Steven's Story


Steven is currently working as a full time Hepatitis C specialist for CGL. Previous to this, he worked as a full time support worker for Lindale recovery service and volunteered as a mentor in the time he spent there as a resident. During the 3 years and 7 months of being substance free, he has committed to helping more than 100 service users to be free of substances. Steven lives with his fiance in their rented home and is about to be married. Life before recovery looked like a very different picture. He spent a torturous 17 years addicted to heroin and crack cocaine; a period of his life that started as a teenager experimenting with drugs searching out ways to detach from the emotional discomfort he felt every day. Heroin seemed to offer temporary relief, creating a feeling of confidence in social settings.

Homelessness, time in prison and zero relationships left intact, Steven’s addiction to substances and associated events filled his life with traumatic experiences of loss, grief and serious ill health as he had contracted Hepatitis C. After several failed promises of sobriety made to himself he finally succeeded and transformation became possible with the right support via Lindale Recovery service and the fellowship. It was the combination of stability, therapeutic work, group work, community and finding purpose through supporting others at the home that led to Steven’s journey of wellbeing. He was able to find that more confident version of himself that he had desperately been searching for in the 20 years prior. The current picture sees Steven in good health, free from Hepatitis C, with rebuilt family relationships, and empowering others to courageously embark on their journeys of recovery. We can all find inspiration in Steven's full story, some of you will be lucky enough to hear it shared at groups around birmingham.

How we have helped

  • One to One support session
  • Support with accessing benefits
  • Support with obtaining full time employment
  • Support with health assessments
  • Management of prescribed medication
Steven Simpson

"This organisation and the fellowship, put them both together and my life has been transformed"

Steven Simpson

Our Success Stories

Lindale Recovery have helped lots of people getting back on track.

Click on the links below to find out about some of our success stories and how the support we offer, combined with residential housing and paid work.

Service Client Metrics

Social Value Report

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