Jessica Hyde

Jess's Story

‘I was brought up by single father, after my mother abandoned us. My dad was an alcoholic but he did his best bringing us up. Dad wouldn’t let me out or be around boys or anything like that during my teen years. I resented him for this so when I got to 15, I started to get up to no good and doing party drugs.
‘I got chucked out of school in Year 9. I met somebody when I was 16 and had my daughter by the time I was 17. I didn’t have any qualifications so I went back to college and did a beauty therapy course.
‘My daughter’s dad physically, emotionally and mentally abused me. I put up with it for quite a while but managed to get out.
‘Then I met my son’s dad, he introduced me to the drug of choice which I got addicted to. The relationship was full of mental and emotional abuse that hurt me more than physical abuse. The abuse drove me to attempting suicide a couple of times. I felt worthless to my kids and myself. After 14 years of putting up with his abuse, I got the balls to get out of the relationship.
“I continued to use the drug of choice and then I started to sell it. Being a single parent with two children, the money was good. But I lost my job.  I couldn’t go and do client’s nails when I’ve been up all night. I went completely downhill.
‘Unfortunately, one day my house got raided by police and I was arrested. My son had to go to live with his dad and I lost my home. I tested positive for Class A drugs at police station.
‘This was the tipping point – I had lost my son and home. I was now squatting at my friend’s flat and it wasn’t nice. I now had to fight for my kids and sort myself out and that’s when I found Lindale.
‘I couldn’t have done it without the help of Lindale. I walked through the doors 15 months ago and did everything I was told. I haven’t looked back, only forward.
‘I’m learning to love myself and getting confident. I’ve never loved myself before now. I’ve also stayed single for the past four years and whilst in recovery. I’m concentrating on myself.
‘My support worker has helped me become the person I am. They see something in you before you can see it. I’ve got so much respect for every member of staff here; it’s like one big family.
‘I believe that I’ve got strength now and it’s not about giving up. Maybe I wouldn’t be where I am today, if all of the stuff that happened to me hadn’t happened.
‘A lot of the ladies here say I’m an inspiration to them. It’s good to know that I can show them that you can come out the other side.

‘Because I’ve put myself in recovery and haven’t had a relapse, my court case has been deferred. I can now see my son when I like, with another member of my family present. My daughter is 19 and lives with her grandma but we are making amends.
‘I’ve been volunteering at Lindale for four months, and I’ll be starting a paid position here soon. I’ll then be looking for a place to live with my children.
‘It’s amazing what can be achieved in just 15 months of recovery. Keep your head down and stay on the path with no distractions.’

How we have helped

  • One to One support session
  • Support with accessing benefits
  • Support with obtaining employment
  • Support with health assessments
  • Management of prescribed medication.

"I haven’t looked back, only forward"


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Lindale Recovery have helped lots of people getting back on track.

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